Episode 27: 2025 Texas Energy Day
In this episode, TXOGA President Todd Staples discusses 2025 Texas Energy Day, which took place on Tuesday, February 4. Hundreds of Texans, including employees, partners and supporters of the Texas energy industry, convened in Austin for the day, and the event was sponsored by more than 40 companies, organizations and allied trades from across the state to reinforce the importance of the oil and natural gas industry to our state and nation’s economic and energy security.
As part of the morning program, participants heard from several statewide officials, including GLO Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, RRC Chairman Christi Craddick, TCEQ Chairwoman Brooke Paup, RRC Commissioner Jim Wright and Comptroller Glenn Hegar.
TXOGA: 600+ Texans and 40+ Partner Organizations Gather in Austin for Texas Energy Day
Energy Day™ – is a registered trademark of the Consumer Energy Alliance – http://www.energydayfestival.org/