TXOGA President Todd Staples Appointed to Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas

Staples to serve as leader of Energy Working Group

April 20, 2020

AUSTIN—Texas Governor Governor Greg Abbott on Friday announced the Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas and appointed Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) President Todd Staples as a Leader of the Energy Working Group. The Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas will help to safely and strategically restart and revitalize all aspects of the Lone Star State — work, school, entertainment, and culture. The Strike Force and its Working Groups will provide input on potential additional openings of activities and services in Texas consistent with guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Governor will announce a revised plan for the state based on these initial recommendations on April 27.

The following statement can be attributed to Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association:

“Throughout the pandemic, every sector of the Texas oil and natural gas industry – exploration and production, oilfield services, transportation and storage, and refining and manufacturing – has continued to reliably provide the oil and natural gas products that have helped keep Texans safe, stocked and fueled up. As the nation’s leader in oil and natural gas production, pipeline miles and refining capacity, the oil and natural gas industry in Texas is well equipped to play a vital role in the efforts to get Texas families, businesses and communities on the road to recovery. The industry appreciates Governor Abbott’s leadership during these unprecedented times and his Administration’s careful approach to managing this crisis. I look forward to working closely with state and local leaders, business, energy and medical experts, and Strike Force members to get Texas back open. By continuing to readily deliver the power, products and fuels Texans depend on, the industry is proud to be a trusted partner in helping overcome the challenges our state faces and emerging even stronger than before.”

For more information on the Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas, visit https://gov.texas.gov/organization/opentexas.




Founded in 1919, TXOGA is the oldest and largest trade association in the State representing every facet of the Texas oil and natural gas industry.

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