Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition Announces New Flaring Recommendations & Best Practices

June 16, 2020

Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition
Announces New Flaring Recommendations & Best Practices
6-16-20 TMFC Flaring Recommendations & Best Practices Report

AUSTIN— The Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition (the Coalition), an alliance of Texas oil and natural gas trade associations and more than 40 Texas energy companies, today published a new report with recommendations that aim to equip operators with the tools necessary to reduce flaring and emissions.

Within the report, the Coalition’s Proposed Railroad Commission Flaring Matrix identifies situations when flaring is necessary and provides recommendations for the application of Statewide Rule 32 (SWR 32). These proposed recommendations create meaningful changes that significantly reduce the current time a company is allowed to flare and prompts opportunities to better assess the progress of flaring in Texas.

After careful review and consideration of the current SWR 32 Data Sheet, the Coalition has also outlined enhancements to the current form in the Proposed SWR 32 Data Sheet, which promotes concise reporting with ease and consistency among operators. In conjunction with the Data Sheet, the Coalition’s Proposed SWR 32 Subsequent Report asks operators to detail volumes and duration of both venting and flaring, enabling the Railroad Commission of Texas to better monitor and evaluate operator activity and collect data.

Lastly, the Coalition’s Proposed Production Report (PR) Form Instructions serve as an update to the current PR Form Instructions, creating the distinction between venting and flaring by separating the categories for vented and flared volumes.

Beyond the recommendations rolled out by the Coalition, flaring will decrease as industry continues to harness an innovative spirit, pioneer technologies, develop options to treat natural gas on the production site, expand pipeline capacity, and refine the best practices outlined in the report released today.

Reducing methane emissions and flaring is an ongoing process, and members of the Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition are committed to continuing collaborative work toward achieving environmental progress. To that end, the Coalition will continue to generate reports, recommend best practices, work with the Railroad Commission and other stakeholders, and create opportunities for education and discussion with operators through technical workshops and data collection.

To ensure transparency and to encourage public education, participation and feedback, the Coalition’s website will be updated frequently to include further findings and recommendations. For more information, please visit www.texasmethaneflaringcoalition.org



PBPA: Michael Lozano, Michael@pbpa.info
PPROA:  Judy Stark, pproa@pproa.org
STEER: Gretchen Fox, 512-694-4326, GFox@gfoxconsulting.com
The Texas Alliance: Chris Hosek, Chris@texasstaralliance.com
TIPRO: Kelli Snyder, 512-477-4452, KSnyder@tipro.org
TXOGA: Haley Emerson, 713-476-1172, HEmerson@txoga.org
TPA: Jeannine Wheeler, 512-517-6580, JWheeler@pureenergypr.com

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