Tag: news

TXOGA’s Member Companies Supporting Veterans in the Community

Freedom Service Dogs of America is an organization that takes rescued dogs and transforms them into custom–trained, fully accredited service dogs for veterans with physical, emotional, and psychological disabilities. The service dogs are matched and placed with clients at no charge for a lifetime of support.

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Oil and Natural Gas Infrastructure Delivers Energy We Need

Oil and natural gas infrastructure helps keep Texas energy affordable and Texas families secure. To learn about the cutting edge technology used by the industry and the impact oil and natural gas have on our state, watch the video of TXOGA President Todd Staples below.

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Katie, UT Petroleum Engineering Student, Talks About Opportunity in Oil and Natural Gas Industry

University of Texas (UT) student Katie shares her story about the role oil and natural gas play in her life. Katie is a second-year petroleum engineering major, and while she has a STEM focus, the industry could not provide for all Texans without employees of other educational backgrounds, including communications, government or business.

CONTINUE READING Katie, UT Petroleum Engineering Student, Talks About Opportunity in Oil and Natural Gas Industry 1 min read

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