AUSTIN – Even as ozone levels drop dramatically, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has once again lowered the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ground-level ozone to a level that is virtually impossible for parts of Texas to achieve without severely hampering local economic development, according to Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA).
Tag: news
Emissions From Oil and Gas Facilities Are Regulated to Protect Health
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) sets air quality standards WELL below levels that would cause a health concern. There are allowable emissions from oil and natural gas facilities (just like there are for cars and other industries).
Fracking is Safe and Does Not Pollute the Air and Water
Properly conducted research, which has analyzed millions of air samples in Texas, finds that oil and gas activity does not pose public health concerns. Texas has the nation’s most comprehensive air monitoring systems in the nation.
Texas Home to Most Comprehensive Air Monitoring Systems in the Nation
MYTH: Fracking pumps dangerous toxins into the air people breath.
Mineral Owner Rights
Ownership of the mineral estate includes five essential rights: 1) to develop 2) to lease 3) to receive bonus payments 4) to receive delay rentals and 5) to receive royalty payments.
Surface Owner Rights
Except in narrow circumstances, the severed surface owner does not have the right to participate in or control the development of the minerals underneath the property.
EPA Rules Unwarranted, Pose Direct Threat to Energy Security
AUSTIN – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a series of new rules that are out of touch with Texas programs that are dramatically reducing air emissions in the state, even as oil and natural gas production levels soar, according to Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA).
VIDEO – What is Fracking
Watch the video below from to learn more about hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.”
Long-Awaited EPA Study Finds Fracking Has Not Led to Widespread Water Contamination
Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing its long awaited, five-year study, which finds “hydraulic fracturing activities have not led to widespread, systemic impacts to drinking water resources.”
Everly – How the Oil and Gas Industry is Using Technology to Reduce Water Consumption
Once considered hopelessly dependent on foreign imports, the United States has recently emerged as the world’s largest oil and gas producer.
Debunking Environment Texas’ Flimsy Anti-Fracking UT Lands Report
The anti-fracking group Environment Texas teamed up with Frontier Group this week to publish an inaccurate and misleading report alleging environmental harms from energy development on lands owned by the University of Texas (UT).
Texas Now Produces More Natural Gas Than All Of OPEC
According to an article in the Daily Caller in May 2015, Texas now produces more natural gas than all of OPEC.
Safety and Energy Development
MYTH: Fracking is inherently unsafe. The closer a pregnant woman lives to a well, the higher the chances that she will have a baby with a birth defect.
Industry Supports Research to Assess Earthquakes and Fracking
Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have found no reason to interrupt fracking while they further study potential between injection wells and earthquakes.
Safety and Pipelines
MYTH: All pipelines spill—the Keystone XL pipeline is no different.
House Bill 40 Provides for Local Control of Reasonable Setbacks
FALSE CLAIM: As Denton continues to grow, new residences will be put as close as 250 feet from existing gas well pad sites, causing thousands of families to suffer fracking’s negative health impacts.
Shale Story: Eagle Ford
Development of Texas’ Eagle Ford shale formation is producing oil, natural gas, thousands of jobs and millions in tax revenue.
Shale Story: Barnett
Texas’ Barnett Shale is the birthplace of America’s shale revolution.
Protecting the Air
All oil and natural gas operators must comply with stringent TCEQ regulations established to control air emissions.
A Career for a Lifetime
Many are surprised to hear that women make up only 19% of the oil and natural gas industry’s workforce – but this number is rapidly rising.
America’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry
There are many resources for educators that explore the topic of energy production in America. One great resource is the American Petroleum Institute.