Tag: news

RELEASE: Historical Analysis of Seismic Events Paints Incomplete Picture

Austin – A ‘historical review’ of seismic activity released today does not follow recommendations for seismic evaluation as outlined by the StatesFirst seismicity primer[1] and its conclusions paint an incomplete picture, according to the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA).

CONTINUE READING RELEASE: Historical Analysis of Seismic Events Paints Incomplete Picture 1 min read

Study Shows Natural Gas Drilling Not Contaminating Water Wells in Carroll County Funders “Disappointed” in Results, Hoping Data Could Help Ban Fracking

A three-year study by the University of Cincinnati has determined that natural gas drilling has had no effect on the quality of water coming from wells in Carroll County.

CONTINUE READING Study Shows Natural Gas Drilling Not Contaminating Water Wells in Carroll County Funders “Disappointed” in Results, Hoping Data Could Help Ban Fracking 1 min read

Staples: Falling Oil Prices a Reminder that Revenue is Not Guaranteed – AAS

It is undoubtedly a tumultuous time in the global energy marketplace, and the Texas oil and natural gas industry continues to anchor our economy in terms of jobs, economic activity and state and local tax revenue — even in a challenging price environment.

CONTINUE READING Staples: Falling Oil Prices a Reminder that Revenue is Not Guaranteed – AAS 3 min read

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