This article originally appeared in the San Antonio Express-News and the Laredo Morning Times.
Tag: news
TXOGA on Governor Abbott’s Signing of Legislation Related to County Road Funding, Critical Infrastructure, Chapter 312, and Water Regulation
AUSTIN—Governor Greg Abbott recently signed several pieces of meaningful legislation into law, including bills related to funding for county roads in energy corridors, the protection of critical infrastructure projects, the extension of Chapter 312 and the regulatory authority over produced water. The Texas Oil & Gas Association issued the following statements on each.
Energy Summit: Oil & Natural Gas is Powering North Texas
ARLINGTON – The Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) and the North Texas Commission today hosted an Energy Summit in Arlington, which showcased the economic impact of the oil and natural gas industry in North Texas.
Life As We Know It: Brought to You by Oil and Natural Gas
AUSTIN–The Texas Oil & Gas Association released the following video and column as a part of TXOGA’s year-long celebration of its centennial anniversary:
TXOGA Congratulates Texas Leaders on the Legislative Session
AUSTIN—The following can be attributed to Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association
TXOGA Sends Letter to Texas Legislature Reiterating Commitment to Meaningful Eminent Domain Reform
AUSTIN—Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association, today sent a letter to all members of the Texas Legislature reiterating TXOGA’s commitment to working with landowners and lawmakers to find a workable solution to address concerns with eminent domain with regard to the development of infrastructure that all Texas communities and families rely upon every day.
TXOGA Praises New Law to Allow for More Water Recycling in Oil and Natural Gas Production
AUSTIN—Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association, issued the following statement after HB 3246, which gives oil and natural gas operators more options for recycling produced water, became law yesterday:
ICYMI: New Research Shows “Major Overestimation” of Methane Emissions From Oil and Natural Gas Production
AUSTIN-A newly-released analysis found a “major overestimation” of methane emissions from oil and natural gas operations in the United States.
Texas Senate Advances Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill
AUSTIN-Today the Texas Senate passed HB 3557, the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, moving this important legislation one step closer to becoming law.
TXOGA Statement on Deal Regarding Steel Tariffs
AUSTIN-The following can be attributed to Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil and Gas Association:
Bill to Strengthen Protections of Critical Infrastructure Facilities Passes House
The Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) applauds the Texas House of Representatives for its passage of HB 3557, the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, which strengthens protections of our state’s critical infrastructure facilities while maintaining current laws and statutes that allow for free speech and the right to protest.
100 Years of Environmental Stewardship
Texans have always had a love of the outdoors, so it should come as no surprise that over the past 100 years, when it comes to our lands, the oil and natural gas industry is always investing and improving our environmental performance.
Updated Energy Infrastructure Regulations Will Allow Texas Energy Innovation and Dominance to Continue
AUSTIN – Today, President Trump will be in Houston – the Energy Capitol of the World – where he is expected to announce Executive Orders aimed at modernizing
What Does It Mean to Be An Employee of the Texas Oil & Gas Industry?
Our industry has fueled our past. And Texans can count on us to fuel our next 100 years. We work because we care about Texas, our nation and our world, and we’re committed to building a better future.
Data Shows Oil & Natural Upstream Employment Continued to Grow in January
AUSTIN – Upstream* oil and natural gas employment continued to grow in January 2019, according to data from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).
San Antonio Climate Plan Will Threaten Affordable and Reliable Energy
AUSTIN – The Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) wrote to San Antonio leaders, including the Mayor and City Council Members, outlining the many reasons why the city’s proposed Climate Action and Adaptation Plan is misguided and will threaten the affordable, reliable energy that San Antonio residents and businesses rely on.
The Importance of Energy Advocacy
AUSTIN – The following can be attributed to Todd Staples, President of the Texas Oil & Gas Association:
Senate Committee Votes to Increase Litigation, Stifle Revenue Growth for Schools, Roads
AUSTIN—The Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) registered its strong opposition to the Committee Substitute for SB 421 (CSSB 421), which passed out of the Senate State Affairs Committee yesterday.
Todd Staples: Safety is top priority of oil and gas industry
Texas oil and natural gas companies are fueling our lives and funding our state and local budgets.
Hundreds of Texans, 60+ Organizations Convene for Texas Energy Day @ the Capitol
AUSTIN – Technology, innovation and Texas pride are the main attractions at today’s Texas Energy Day @ the Capitol, an event sponsored by more than 60 companies, associations and chambers of commerce from across the state.
Texas Oil and Natural Gas Industry Paid More than $14 Billion in Taxes and Royalties in 2018, Up 27% from 2017
AUSTIN – According to just-released data from the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA), the Texas oil and natural gas industry paid more than $14 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties in fiscal year 2018, up 27 percent from fiscal year 2017 and the second-highest total in Texas history.