Tag: news

Basin Strong Hope & Healing Benefit Dinner and Concert to Raise Funds for Victims of Permian Basin Shooting Tragedy

Tragedy struck the Permian Basin on August 31, 2019 when a senseless shooting took place in the West Texas communities of Odessa and Midland, leaving seven dead and twenty-five injured.

CONTINUE READING Basin Strong Hope & Healing Benefit Dinner and Concert to Raise Funds for Victims of Permian Basin Shooting Tragedy 1 min read

Technology and Innovation in Oil and Natural Gas Revolutionized Modern Life

AUSTIN – Few industries can match the rapid rise of technology and innovation of the Texas oil and natural gas industry. From the state’s first gushers to modern day hydraulic fracturing, a relentlessly pioneering spirit has been the driving force for the industry that has defined Texas.

CONTINUE READING Technology and Innovation in Oil and Natural Gas Revolutionized Modern Life 3 min read

State Legislators, Academics and Energy Executives Discuss Importance of Oil & Gas Midstream Sector at Kickoff Symposium for Lamar University’s Newly Created Center for Midstream Management & Science

Beaumont, TX—The importance of the midstream sector of the Texas oil and natural gas industry and its role in connecting record production of oil and natural gas to the downstream advances in refining and liquefaction technologies was examined today at the kickoff symposium for the newly created Lamar University Center for Midstream Management & Science.

CONTINUE READING State Legislators, Academics and Energy Executives Discuss Importance of Oil & Gas Midstream Sector at Kickoff Symposium for Lamar University’s Newly Created Center for Midstream Management & Science 3 min read

Now Open to the Public: Renovated and Expanded “Texas Oil & Gas” Exhibit at Bullock Texas State History Museum

AUSTIN – The Bullock Texas State History Museum unveiled last week a newly renovated and expanded “Texas Oil and Gas” exhibit, where visitors are invited to learn about cutting-edge innovation, economic impact, and the environmental evolution of the state’s most storied industry over the past 100 years.

CONTINUE READING Now Open to the Public: Renovated and Expanded “Texas Oil & Gas” Exhibit at Bullock Texas State History Museum 2 min read

TXOGA Lone Star Energy Forum & Centennial Celebration Showcases 100 Years of Innovation and Leadership of the Texas Oil and Natural Gas Industry

AUSTIN – The Texas Oil & Gas Association’s (TXOGA) Lone Star Energy Forum & Centennial Celebration held Tuesday in Austin showcased the innovation and the state, national and global leadership of the Texas oil and natural gas industry.

CONTINUE READING TXOGA Lone Star Energy Forum & Centennial Celebration Showcases 100 Years of Innovation and Leadership of the Texas Oil and Natural Gas Industry 2 min read

South Texas Energy Roundup Highlights Oil & Natural Gas Contributions for San Antonio, South Texas Region

SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SAHCC), South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable (STEER) and Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) today joined forces to host the 2019 South Texas Energy Roundup, which showcased the economic impact of the oil and natural gas industry in South Texas.

CONTINUE READING South Texas Energy Roundup Highlights Oil & Natural Gas Contributions for San Antonio, South Texas Region 2 min read

Todd Staples: SA climate plan will threaten good-paying energy jobs, tech investment and affordable, reliable energy

AUSTIN – The Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) today announced the hiring of two community relations directors in Houston and Corpus Christi. Caroline Conte will represent TXOGA in Houston and Matt Garcia will serve in Corpus Christi.

CONTINUE READING Todd Staples: SA climate plan will threaten good-paying energy jobs, tech investment and affordable, reliable energy 4 min read

TXOGA Statement on EPA’s Revised New Source Review Permitting Process

AUSTIN—The following statement can be attributed to Todd Staples, President of the Texas Oil and Gas Association, regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement yesterday of proposed revisions to clarify the New Source Review (NSR) permitting process:

CONTINUE READING TXOGA Statement on EPA’s Revised New Source Review Permitting Process 1 min read

Industry-Led Environmental Partnership Releases First Annual Report Outlining Successes in Environmental Performance

AUSTIN— The Environmental Partnership, an initiative of U.S. oil and natural gas producers including nearly three dozen Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) members, today released its first annual report showcasing the industry’s progress in innovations and emissions reductions

CONTINUE READING Industry-Led Environmental Partnership Releases First Annual Report Outlining Successes in Environmental Performance 1 min read

Texas Oil & Gas Association Partners with BCBSTX to Offer TXOGA Health Insurance Plan to Small Oil & Natural Gas Companies

The Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) is pleased to announce an exciting new benefit for its membership – the TXOGA Health Plan.

CONTINUE READING Texas Oil & Gas Association Partners with BCBSTX to Offer TXOGA Health Insurance Plan to Small Oil & Natural Gas Companies 1 min read

Texas Gained 2,900 Upstream Oil and Natural Gas Jobs in April and May

AUSTIN – Data from the Texas Workforce Commission shows job growth in the upstream oil and natural gas sector in April and May 2019 after a time of fluctuation in employment figures since the fall of 2018. The upstream sector gained 1,900 and 1,000 jobs in April and May, respectively. 

CONTINUE READING Texas Gained 2,900 Upstream Oil and Natural Gas Jobs in April and May 1 min read

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