AUSTIN – For the third consecutive month, the upstream sector of the Texas oil and natural gas industry has added jobs. According to data from the Texas Workforce Commission, the sector added 4,300 jobs in March – the largest single month-over-month gain since the summer of 2011.
Tag: news
Power Outages Up and Down the Natural Gas Supply Chain Impacted Production and Transportation of Natural Gas During Winter Storm, Analysis Finds
An analysis commissioned by the Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) reveals that power outages, which originated at power generation units, were the principal factor for natural gas production and transportation reductions or shutdowns during Winter Storm Uri.
Texas Upstream Oil and Natural Gas Sector Added 2,300 Jobs in February
AUSTIN – The upstream sector of the Texas oil and natural gas industry added 2,300 jobs in February, according to data from the Texas Workforce Commission
1000+ Texans, 50 Partner Organizations Convene Virtually for Texas Energy Day @ the Capitol
AUSTIN – More than one thousand Texans and 50 companies, associations and chambers of commerce convened virtually today for Texas Energy Day @ the Capitol 2021.
Texas Methane and Flaring Coalition Announces Goal of Ending Routine Flaring by 2030
he Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition (the Coalition) supports industry’s continued progress to end routine flaring and shares a goal of ending this practice by 2030.
Staples: Texas Oil and Natural Gas: Powering Economic and Environmental Progress
It would be hard to overstate how much changed in 2020.
The global pandemic tested our resolve, forced lightning-speed adaptation in nearly every aspect of life, and the topic of energy catapulted to the top of political conversations.
Suspending Federal Oil and Natural Gas Leasing and Permitting will Threaten Jobs and Environmental Progress
AUSTIN-Under the new Biden Administration, the Acting Interior Secretary has signed a 60-day Temporary Suspension of Delegated Authority that, among other things, suspends the issuance of federal onshore and offshore oil and natural gas leasing permits. Should this action become permanent, it would be devastating to jobs
TXOGA Statement on EPA Approval of the State of Texas’ Request for NPDES Program Authorization
The EPA’s approval of the State of Texas’ request for NPDES program authorization will allow the Texas oil and natural gas industry to continue to innovate and find new ways to treat wastewater for recycle and use beyond the oil field.
Texas Oil and Natural Gas Industry Paid $13.9 Billion in Taxes and State Royalties in Fiscal Year 2020
AUSTIN – According to just-released data from the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA), the Texas oil and natural gas industry paid $13.9 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties in fiscal year 2020, funds that directly support Texas schools, teachers, roads, infrastructure and essential services.
Distritos Escolares Independientes de Eagle Ford Recibieron $520.6 Millones; Condados de Eagle Ford Recibieron $170.6 Millones en Impuestos a la Propiedad del Petróleo y de Gas Natural en el Año Fiscal 2020
AUSTIN – Según datos recién publicados por la Asociación de Petróleo y Gas Natural de Texas (TXOGA), la industria petrolera y de gas natural de Texas pago un total de $13.9 mil millones en impuestos locales y estatales, incluidas regalías estatales en el año fiscal 2020.
La Industria Petrolera y de Gas Natural de Texas Aporto $13.9 Mil Millones en Impuestos y Regalías Estatales en el Año Fiscal 2020
AUSTIN – Según datos recién publicados por la Asociación de Petróleo y Gas Natural de Texas (TXOGA), la industria petrolera y de gas natural de Texas pago un total de $13.9 mil millones en impuestos locales y estatales, incluidas regalías estatales en el año fiscal 2020.
Permian ISDs Received $978.75 Million, Counties Received $334.3 Million in Oil and Gas Property Taxes in Fiscal Year 2020
AUSTIN – According to just-released data from the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA), the Texas oil and natural gas industry paid $13.9 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties in fiscal year 2020, funds that directly support Texas schools, teachers, roads, infrastructure and essential services
Eagle Ford ISDs Received $520.6 Million; Eagle Ford Counties Received $170.6 Million in Oil and Natural Gas Property Taxes in Fiscal Year 2020
AUSTIN – According to just-released data from the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA), the Texas oil and natural gas industry paid $13.9 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties in fiscal year 2020, funds that directly support Texas schools, teachers, roads, infrastructure and essential services.
Texas oil and natural gas industry is driving prosperity while reducing emissions
Since Spindletop, Texas’ oil and natural gas industry has driven prosperity in our great state. If we were still a sovereign nation, Texas would have the 10th largest gross domestic product (GDP) in the world, ahead of Canada, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia.
Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition Technology Showcase Highlights Emerging Technologies To Reduce Flaring and Methane Emissions
AUSTIN—On Thursday, November 19 the Texas Methane and Flaring Coalition held a virtual technology showcase to highlight and present emerging technology solutions to operators in the oil and natural gas industry.
Texas Upstream Oil and Gas Sector Posts Second Consecutive Month of Job Growth
AUSTIN – The upstream sector of the Texas oil and natural gas industry added 600 jobs in October, marking the second consecutive month of job gains. September’s job gain was also revised upward, so that the total upstream job recovery since August’s low point is now estimated at 2,100, according to data from the Texas Workforce Commission.
TXOGA 2020 Virtual Lone Star Energy Forum Features Fox News Political Analysts Greg Gutfeld and Juan Williams, Energy CEO, and Key Elected Officials
AUSTIN – The Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) today held its annual Lone Star Energy Forum online where Texas leaders, energy executives and political analysts discussed the intersection of industry, elections, politics and what it all means for the future of Texas.
TXOGA Statement on Railroad Commissioner-Elect Jim Wright
Texas oil and natural gas leads in resource development, creating jobs and supporting economic growth while taking every step to protect the environment.
Job Growth in Texas Upstream Oil and Gas Sector in September
The upstream sector of the Texas oil and natural gas industry added 700 jobs in September, according to data from the Texas Workforce Commission. This is the first uptick since February, bringing the total upstream employment in Texas to 170,500 jobs – jobs that pay among the highest wages in Texas.
Staples: Exporting Texas Natural Gas Delivers Opportunity at Home and Cleaner Air Worldwide
The United States has emerged as a leader not only in global energy but also in environmental progress.
La Asociación Petrolera y de Gas Natural Lanza Centro de Carreras en Línea Para Conectar a Personas en Buscan de Empleo con Empresas Petroleras y de Gas Natural
La Asociación Petrolera y de Gas Natural de Texas (TXOGA) lanzo el Centro de Carreras TXOGA para conectar a empresas petroleras y de gas natural con talento profesional altamente calificado.