Industry-Led Environmental Partnership Releases First Annual Report Outlining Successes in Environmental Performance

Report showcases industry’s collaborative, voluntary commitment to environmental excellence in first annual report

July 30, 2019

AUSTIN— The Environmental Partnership, an initiative of U.S. oil and natural gas producers including nearly three dozen Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) members, today released its first annual report showcasing the industry’s progress in innovations and emissions reductions

“Oil and natural gas continue to make American life better. The tremendous progress outlined in the Environmental Partnership’s report demonstrates the effectiveness of industry-led solutions to the challenges we face today. I am extremely proud of the success of The Environmental Partnership in its first year,” said TXOGA President Todd Staples. “By using the latest innovations and technologies to enhance environmental performance, leading oil and natural gas companies are reducing the impact of operations while providing the energy that powers modern life. Through collaboration and coordination, the industry will continue to lead the way toward a cleaner, stronger energy future.”

As the report underscores, the oil and natural gas industry has simultaneously made the United States the global energy leader while reducing emissions thanks to voluntary actions and a commitment to environmental excellence. According to the report, energy production grew 100 percent from 2011 – 2017 in the Permian Basin, while methane emissions relative to production fell nearly 40 percent. In Texas’ Eagle Ford basin, production grew 130 percent over the same time period, and methane emissions relative to production fell nearly 70 percent.

To view the full annual report and find more information about the program and companies’ commitments, visit


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