Hundreds of Texans, 25+ Organizations Convene for First-Ever Texas Energy Day

March 24, 2017

Texas Oil & Natural Gas Technology, Innovation and Pride on Display at Capitol

AUSTIN – Technology, innovation and Texas pride are the main attractions at today’s first-ever Texas Energy Day at The Capitol, an event sponsored by more than 25 organizations, associations and chambers of commerce from across the state.  Texans traveled to Austin to share with their lawmakers why oil and natural gas matters to them, their families, and the state.

Texas Energy Day participants are urging lawmakers to hold fast to the policies that have allowed Texas to safely harvest the state’s natural resources, creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs and providing critical state and local tax revenue.  In fiscal year 2016, the Texas oil and natural gas industry paid $9.4 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties – amounting to $26 million a day to state and local coffers.

About Texas Energy Day, Senator Craig Estes, chairman of the Senate Natural Resources Committee said, “Texas leads the nation in oil and natural gas production, pipeline miles, and refining capacity, not only because we are blessed with abundant natural resources, but also because Texas is teeming with determined and innovative people.”

Representative Drew Darby, chairman of the House Energy Resources Committee added, “It’s Texans that make the Texas oil and natural gas industry so strong.  I’m proud to stand with them on Texas Energy Day and to do my part to help keep the Lone Star State on top.”

Texas Energy Day participants are also inviting lawmakers and staff to visit the oil and natural gas exhibits and equipment on display just outside the Capitol.  Visitors to Texas Energy Day exhibits on the Capital grounds today got a bird’s eye view into the tremendous innovation that is driving oil and natural gas production, transportation and refining, according to Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association.

“The innovation on display today reinforces that we do not live in an ‘either or’ world where you have to choose between energy and the environment,” said Staples.  “While protecting and improving our environment, innovation allows us to produce more energy, create more jobs and bolster our energy security.  Texas oil and natural gas is securing our economy, our environment and our future.”

Example of innovation exhibits included a virtual reality tour of an off-shore rig, an in-line inspection tool that can measure pressure and detect leaks from inside a pipeline, a pump truck used in hydraulic fracturing (fracking), a data van used to remotely monitor oil and natural gas operations and models that show how wells are constructed with layers of concrete and steel pipe.

“Whether you live or work near an oil and natural gas operation or not, all Texans benefit from a robust energy sector,” said Paul Mayer, CEO of the Garland Chamber of Commerce.  “We’re part of Texas Energy Day because we know that Texas oil and natural gas grows our economy, keeps families’ energy costs affordable and generates tax revenue that funds our schools and roads – not just in the oil patch, but across the Lone Star State. The oil and natural gas industry is the reason Texas bounced back after the Great Recession faster than other states.”

Tony Bennett, president and CEO of the Texas Association of Manufacturers, noted that growth in Texas manufacturing is directly linked to oil and natural gas activity. “An abundance of inexpensive natural gas has lowered electricity and material costs for manufacturers who, in turn, use those cost savings to expand their operations and grow jobs in Texas,” said Bennett.  “At the same time, manufacturers make everything from drill bits to steel pipe so increased activity in oil and natural gas production and transportation translates to increased manufacturing activity.”

Along with those participating in Texas Energy Day in Austin, thousands have lent their voice to the cause online. Texas Energy Day sponsors held Facebook Live videos and participants have utilized images on social platforms from Facebook to Snapchat to help show their support for Texas oil and natural gas.  (#TXEnergyDay)


Texas Energy Day Sponsors:

Abilene Chamber of Commerce, Association of Energy Service Companies, Energy Citizens, Energy Nation, Garland Chamber of Commerce, Houston Association of Professional Landmen, Longview Chamber of Commerce, Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, Midland Chamber of Commerce, Panhandle Producers and Royalty Owners Association, Permian Basin Petroleum Association, Petroleum Equipment and Services Association, PinkPetro, San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable, Texans for Natural Gas, Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, Texas Association of Business, Texas Association of Manufacturers, Texas Chemical Council, Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association, Texas Oil & Gas Association, Texas Pipeline Association, Texas Royalty Council, TexSar Search and Rescue, West Texas Energy Consortium


What others are saying about Texas Energy Day:
“The Texas energy industry continues to be the backbone of the Texas economy and a key to economic freedom for Texas citizens.  The Texas Association of Business is proud to partner with other organizations to celebrate Texas Energy Day at the State Capitol.  This special day reminds people of the importance of our energy heritage and our energy future.” – Stephen Minick, Vice President of Governmental Affairs for Energy and the Environment, Texas Association of Business

“We are happy to sponsor Texas Energy Day because it gives TPA the opportunity to highlight how essential the pipeline system is. It is a major economic driver that provides the state, region and nation with safe and efficient energy sources and products needed to power Texans’ homes and businesses.”  – Thure Cannon, President, Texas Pipeline Association 

“Texas is the center of the global energy industry and nowhere is that more evident than in Houston. We at the Houston Association of Petroleum Landmen (“HAPL”) welcome the opportunity to proudly stand united with TXOGA and others on Texas Energy Day and to continue the dialogue with our friends and neighbors about our industry and the important role it has in all of our everyday lives.” – Justin R. Matthews, CPL, President, Houston Association of Petroleum Landmen

“A primary goal of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers is to educate the public and lawmakers about all of the incredible benefits the oil and gas industry affords our state, and the importance of independent producers who drill 96 percent of the wells in Texas.  Texas Energy Day is a great opportunity to join together as an industry and speak with legislators and the public with one collective voice.” – Bob Osborne, Chairman, Texas Alliance of Energy Producers

“The Panhandle Producers and Royalty Owners Association is excited to participate in the first-ever Texas Energy Day as a proud sponsor.  As a regional association, we appreciate the chance to come together with our colleagues around the state to spend a day celebrating the oil and gas industry, and share with those in Austin the many benefits we specifically in the Panhandle provide to the Texas economy.” – Judy Stark, Executive Vice President, Panhandle Producers and Royalty Owners Association

“The Texas oil and natural gas industry is a cornerstone of our state economy, providing billions of dollars in annual tax revenue and directly supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs. Texas Energy Day will help highlight the many contributions provided by this sector and how science-based policies can make us more energy self-reliant, while protecting our environmental, strengthening national security and providing access to affordable energy for all.” – Ed Longanecker, President, Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association

“The Petroleum Equipment & Services Association (PESA) is proud to be a sponsor of the inaugural Texas Energy Day.  PESA member companies in the oilfield service and supply sector provide the innovation, technology and fortitude to help develop Texas’ natural resources in a safe and environmentally-responsible manner.  Texas Energy Day is a fabulous opportunity to showcase these contributions to the great state of Texas.” – Leslie Beyer, President, Petroleum Equipment & Services Association

“The Texas Royalty Council is part of Texas Energy Day to help shine a light on the significant role of oil and natural gas in the lives of Texas families. More than 700,000 Texas royalty owners depend on income from oil and natural gas drilling to put food on their tables and to put their kids through college. Royalty owners understand the importance of maintaining an environment that encourages oil and natural gas production and investment in our state.” – Tricia Davis, President, Texas Royalty Council, American Royalty Council

“Energy Nation is thrilled to support Texas Energy Day. As an organization that aims to engage oil and natural gas industry employees in the legislative process, we believe it’s critical that our fellow colleagues come together and stand up for the many benefits our industry brings to the Lone Star State.” – Tyra Metoyer, Energy Nation Coordinator

“We are thrilled to travel to Austin to participate in Texas Energy Day since we’re on the front lines of connecting people with the skills, training and jobs they need to succeed, provide for their family and live comfortably – opportunities that are possible because of a strong energy sector.” – Katherine Stokes, Executive Director, West Texas Energy Consortium 

“Texas Energy Day highlights the necessity of investing in the future and in the culture of the industry. Texas energy is deeply connected to oil country, being the #1 producer of oil and natural gas.” – Kristen Underwood-Cartmill, R&D Pipe Company 

“PDC Energy is proud to be a part of the inaugural Texas Energy Day. As we expand our operations into Texas, we greatly appreciate the opportunity to join with our peer companies and energy supporters from across the state to speak out on behalf of the industry that powers our future.”  – Celesta Miracle, Vice President Government Relations, PDC Energy

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