David Sebree Obituary

A long-time member and friend of the Texas Oil and Gas Association, David Banks Sebree, Jr., “The Squire”, passed away at 7:05 AM on March 2, 2016.  Dave died from natural causes following a long decline due to a broken heart resulting from the loss of his love — his wife, Lu — in 2007.  Dave was 86, exactly one week shy of his 87th birthday.

Dave was a brilliant and innovative attorney who led the environmental law section for the DuPont legal department from 1966 to 1980.  In 1980 Dave was promoted as DuPont and Conoco’s Manager for the Southwest Region and moved to Austin, Texas.  He was responsible for Texas, California, Kentucky, Arizona, Nevada, Arkansas, and periodically for Louisiana, Mississippi, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Dave served on the Legislative Committee of TxOGA and several other committees for over 15 years.  He also chaired the Texas Chemical Council’s Legislative Advocacy Committee and he served on the legislative committees of The Texas Taxpayer’s and Research Association and the Texas Association of Business.

When Dave retired in 1995, TxOGA awarded him with an Honorary Lifetime Membership in TxOGA to recognize his years of service and contributions.  Dave was known for his creative and inventive approaches to legislative challenges and for being generous with his knowledge, wisdom, and friendship.

A memorial service in his honor will be held at High-Noon, on Wednesday, March 9th at his church, the Manchaca United Methodist Church, 1011 Farm to Market Road 1626, Manchaca, Texas 78653.

If so inclined, condolences or personal remarks may be sent personally to any of the family members or by and through Cook Walden funeral home, www.cookwaldenfuneralhome.com. Finally, if inclined, donations in his name may be made to:

Austin Children’s Shelter
4800 Manor Road
Austin, TX 78723
Phone: (512) 258-4579 or

Safe Place Austin
1515 Grove Blvd
Austin, TX 78741
Phone: (512) 267-7233.

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