Author: Ethan Riojas

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TXOGA Statement on Passing of Texas Oil Giant Curtis Mewbourne

Texas and America lost a giant with the passing of Curtis Mewbourne, founder of Mewbourne Oil Company, which started as a small independent oil company and grew into one of the largest privately owned oil and gas companies in the country. Mr. Mewbourne’s leadership in the oil and natural gas industry is legendary.

CONTINUE READING TXOGA Statement on Passing of Texas Oil Giant Curtis Mewbourne 1 min read

U.S. Energy Industry Invites President Biden to Visit American Energy Sites Ahead of Planned Trip to Saudi Arabia

Ahead of the President’s travel to the Middle East next month, the Texas Oil and Gas Association today joined with 27 energy associations to urge President Biden and his Cabinet to visit America’s major energy facilities – from production to distribution to refining to innovation hubs – as geopolitical volatility and energy costs continue to rise.

CONTINUE READING U.S. Energy Industry Invites President Biden to Visit American Energy Sites Ahead of Planned Trip to Saudi Arabia 2 min read

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