Properly conducted research, which has analyzed millions of air samples in Texas, finds that oil and gas activity does not pose public health concerns. Texas has the nation’s most comprehensive air monitoring systems in the nation. The so-called “research” activists cite are authored by known anti-oil and gas activists, funded by anti-oil and gas third parties. For example, activists cite a compilation of “research” by Physicians, Scientists, and Engineers for Healthy Energy (PSEHE), a group run by anti-fracking activist and Cornell professor Tony Ingraffea. PSEHE is funded by the Park Foundation, which has poured millions into anti-fracking research. The studies PSEHE cites are, for the most part, either linked to anti-fracking activists or have exceedingly faulty methodologies.
The complex design of fracking wells that include multiple layers of casing and cement, ensure the safety of ground waters, typically oil or gas shale is almost one mile deeper than portable water aquifer. U.S. Department of Energy and Texas Railroad Commission ensures that wells are built according to regulations and cement quality requirements that guarantees the safety of ground water.