Texas Oil and Natural Gas
Cleaner | Stronger | Better
The oil and natural gas industry is producing the energy that powers modern life in cleaner and more efficient ways. Oil and natural gas companies have invested more in emission-reducing technologies than the rest of the private sector and the government combined. This unmatched contribution to protect and improve the environment shows how committed industry is to do its part to address climate concerns.
Oil and natural gas development and infrastructure creates high-paying jobs, generates revenues unmatched by other industries in Texas, and supports economic growth in Texas communities. Oil and natural gas companies pay billions of dollars in state and local taxes each year, which funds the development and improvement of Texas’ roads and highway infrastructure, public education, emergency response services, healthcare facilities and more.
About us
Texas Oil & Gas Association
The Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) is a statewide trade association representing every facet of the Texas oil and gas industry including small independents and major producers. Collectively, the membership of TXOGA produces approximately 90 percent of Texas’ crude oil and natural gas and operates the vast majority of the state’s refineries and pipelines. In fiscal year 2024, the Texas oil and natural gas industry supported over 490,000 direct jobs and paid $27.3 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties, funding our state’s schools, roads and first responders.
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Todd Staples