Pipeline companies considering a new liquids pipeline project are committed to training employees and real-estate representatives to treat landowners fairly, openly and with respect. In order to accomplish this goal, Association of Pipelines (AOPL) strives to negotiate with landowners in good faith, be responsive to their questions and concerns and consistent in upholding our commitments to them.
AOPL constructed Landowner Commitment Core Training materials including a copy of the commitment to landowners, the core training presentation, link to the training video, summary materials and website location postcard. AOPL devised a plan for 2017. First, they strive to provide employees and representatives interacting with landowners a copy of their Liquids Pipeline Owner and Operator Commitment to Landowners and Operator Landowner Commitment Core Training. Secondly, they will brief employees and representatives interacting with landowners on the Commitment to Landowners and Landowner Commitment Core Training. Lastly, they plan to require each employee and representative of the company receiving these documents and training to certify they have received these documents, been briefed on their substance and understand their content.
To read more on AOPL’s plan click on the following link: http://www.aopl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/AOPL-API-Landowner-Commitment-Core-Training.pdf