About us
Texas Oil & Gas Association
The Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) is a statewide trade association representing every facet of the Texas oil and gas industry including small independents and major producers. Collectively, the membership of TXOGA produces approximately 90 percent of Texas’ crude oil and natural gas and operates the vast majority of the state’s refineries and pipelines. In fiscal year 2024, the Texas oil and natural gas industry supported over 490,000 direct jobs and paid $27.3 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties, funding our state’s schools, roads and first responders.
The mission of the Texas Oil & Gas Association is to promote a robust oil and natural gas industry and to advocate for sound, science-based policies and free-market principles.




Judicial Affairs

Public/Industry Affairs
The work of the Association is concentrated in these areas in order that it may be responsive to our ever-growing energy needs. To do this the Association turns to its strong member supported committee structure, which mobilizes industry representatives with expertise in various fields to deal with specific problems. No other organization in the state can marshal the spectrum of expertise on industry issues to which TXOGA has access.
The activities of the Association are governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of more than 50 industry leaders.